5 Good Reasons For Emergency Dental Care

Most people only need to visit the dentist twice a year. However, certain situations can arise sometimes and require you to see a dentist immediately. It's important to know which oral issues need immediate treatment and which ones can wait until your dentist's regular business hours. Here are five signs you need emergency dental care.

Severe Tooth Ache

If you have a minor toothache, you can usually alleviate the pain with a salt water rinse or cold compress and wait a few days to see the dentist. However, if your toothache is so severe that it prevents you from doing your activities, it's important to see a dentist right away. A can dentist will find the underlying condition that's causing the toothache and treat it.

Knocked Out Tooth

Whether it occurred while playing a sport or a fall, a knocked out tooth requires emergency dental care. It can lead to severe bleeding and pain. If you see a dentist right away, he or she may be able to put the tooth back in its socket.

Missing Crown

If a crown has fallen off your tooth for whatever reason, you should see an emergency dentist immediately. Without the crown, your tooth is no longer protected and will be more susceptible to infection. A dentist can put the crown back on that so that you don't have any further issues. If you wait too long to see a dentist, you may need additional treatment, like a root canal.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is caused by a bacterial infection and may result in a bump on your gums. Symptoms may include severe pain, fever, and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. The infection can spread to other parts of your body, so it's critical for you to see an emergency dentist right away.

Bleeding Gums

If your gums bleed a little after brushing your teeth, it usually isn't an emergency situation. It may indicate the early signs of gum disease, so you may want to talk to your dentist about it during your next appointment. However, if your gums won't stop bleeding and you're also experiencing pain, you should see an emergency dentist now.

If you're experiencing any of the above situations, it's important for you to go to get emergency dental care services right away. If you put off dental care, the problem can get a lot worse and may lead to complications.

About Me

Tips for Living With Braces as an Adult

Braces are just for teenagers, right? Wrong. Last year, I became one of the thousands of adults that get braces every year. At first, I was ashamed and embarrassed. I tried to avoid talking, but at work, it is virtually impossible to remain silent all day. After the first month, I decided to embrace my braces and to help other adults do so, too. I started this blog to provide helpful tips for wearing adults as an adult. Your dentist telling you that you need braces does not mean your adult life is over. In fact, it could be a blessing in disguise.



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