New Updates On Whether You Are A Candidate For Dental Implants

Although dental implants are beginning to build a history of long-term success, studies are still being completed to make sure that implants are only being placed in those who can properly integrate the titanium into their natural bone tissue without causing further damage to the surrounding tissue. Recently, two new studies have been completed that may slightly change who is considered a viable candidate for dental implants. 

Current Standards 

At the moment, there are only a few reasons why you would not be a candidate for dental implants. These reasons have to due with your bone strength and structure, the soft tissue in your mouth, your ability to heal after the implantation, and your personal habits.

First, if you do not have enough bone in the area of the jaw where the implant will be placed, you cannot receive an implant or must receive a bone graft prior to receiving an implant. Second, if the bone in your jaw is weak or brittle due to osteoporosis or radiation treatment of cancer, you will probably not be considered a candidate for placement. 

If you have extreme periodontal disease, it may need successful treatment before your dentist will be willing to place an implant. Similarly, if you are missing sections of your gums due to trauma, you may need additional work before being ready for an implant. 

Although implants are considered relatively low risk and can be implanted in a dental office, if you have an autoimmune disease or an inability to heal quickly from wounds, the risk of infection may be too great for you to receive an implant. Until recently, diabetics were considered high risk because of their inability to heal as quickly as those without diabetes. 

Finally, personal habits such as smoking or inadequate daily brushing and flossing can prevent you from having successful implants. Some dentists may ask you to start new habits before they will place an implant while others will explain the risk of rejection and place an implant with the understanding that you will begin to brush and floss regularly or quit smoking as soon as the implant is placed. 

New Research Regarding Diabetes 

For the past twenty years, patients with diabetes were considered high risk patients regarding dental implants. This is because diabetes can cause slower healing time and increase the risk of infection during the healing process. However, a recent study showed that diabetics with well-controlled diabetes have the same success rate as those patients without diabetes. Patients with poorly controlled diabetes had a slower healing time but did not have more infections or a higher rejection rate. 

This means that patients with diabetes may be able to benefit from dental implants in the near future. However, it is important to mitigate the risk of infection by taking preventative antibiotics and regularly using a prescribed mouthwash. 

New Research Regarding Depression 

A recent study does not bode well for those suffering from depression who need dental implants. It found that dental implants are twice as likely to fail in patients who are currently taking SSRIs. This is because SSRIs can slow the formation of new bone. If you are suffering from depression, you may need alternative medication during the healing process or you may want to look into alternatives to implants, such as bridges or traditional prosthetics. 

The vast majority of patients are excellent candidates for dental implants. As research continues, dentists are finding more ways to treat those who could not receive implants in the past and are finding new risks. It is important that you reveal your complete medical history to your dentist and discuss any possible complications before you receive an implant. If you are interested in restoring your smile with dental implants, then hop on over to to learn more.

About Me

Tips for Living With Braces as an Adult

Braces are just for teenagers, right? Wrong. Last year, I became one of the thousands of adults that get braces every year. At first, I was ashamed and embarrassed. I tried to avoid talking, but at work, it is virtually impossible to remain silent all day. After the first month, I decided to embrace my braces and to help other adults do so, too. I started this blog to provide helpful tips for wearing adults as an adult. Your dentist telling you that you need braces does not mean your adult life is over. In fact, it could be a blessing in disguise.



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